Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Timeline Pivotal Technology

Pivotal Points:


OLED screens


Floating – through static charge


Pixels – Smaller technology


Illuminating pixels – Advancing technology


Communication - Display screen

Bio-luminescence – Chemical reaction


The application for OLED’s are in the form of screen panels situated of the facets on the tessellated umbrella like structure to display advertisements, status and local events and hotspots. The malleable screens mean that they can mould and form to different shapes.


Since the breakthrough by Kodak in 1987, organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) have been seen as one of the most promising technologies for future displays. A number of materials have been developed and improved in order to fulfil the requirements of this application. The materials differ from one another by their structure but also by the mechanism involved in the electroluminescence produced (fluorescence versus phosphorescence). When properly stacked, these materials result in a device that can achieve the required high efficiency and long lifetime. Such red, green and blue devices can then be combined in matrices to become the core of a display. Building up these structures onto a display backplane is one of the challenges facing the industry. The circuitry for driving the pixels can be adapted to the OLED, sometimes at the expense of the simplicity of the display, but bearing in mind that the fabrication process must remain industrially viable. Copyright © 2006 Society of Chemical Industry.

Geffroy, Bernard; le Roy, Philippe; Prat, Christophe. (2006). Organic light-emitting diode (OLED) technology: materials, devices and display technologies . Polymer International. 55 (6), 572-582.

Static Charge:

Static electricity and static charge is how the pixels maintain their buoyancy and store energy as they feed of pedestrian’s negative charge. The pixel receives the energy and a ride as they pedestrian receives shelter and social interaction.


Actually, no friction or rug-scuffing is required in order to electrically charge your body. The need for friction is a widespread misconception. While it's true that the friction can increase the charge-separation process, friction isn't the cause. Whenever two different insulating surfaces touch together, opposite charges within the two surfaces become separated. Simply walking across certain rugs or plastic flooring will cause your shoe soles to touch the dissimilar material of the rug. This is enough to separate the negatives from the positives and create imbalanced electric charges on the bottoms of your shoes.

"Static" electricity (more correctly called "net electric charge" ) appears whenever the normal quantities of positive and negative electricity in a substance are not perfectly equal. Remember that everything is made of atoms, and atoms in turn are made of positive and negative electric charges. In other words, your body is just a collection of positive and negative electrical particles. Normally the positives cancel out the negatives, and everything behaves electrically "neutral." No mysterious sparking. But if you ever end up with more negative than positive, or with more positive than negative, then you have a charge-imbalance on your body. You will get zapped the next time you touch a large metal object.

William J. Beaty. (1997). HUMANS AND SPARKS: The Cause, Stopping the Pain, and "Electric People". Available: http://www.electricitycentral.com/articles/staticsparks.htm. Last accessed 15th Jun 2011.

Moore’s Law:

The evolution of technology can be predicted to a certain extent with the past calculated trends, the application of Moore’s law helps to reinforce our idea that the pixels with contain an immense amount of technology at a microscopic level.


A simple observation, made over 30 years ago, on the growth in the number of devices per silicon die has become the central driving force of one of the most dynamic of the world's industries. Because of the accuracy with which Moore's Law has predicted past growth in IC complexity, it is viewed as a reliable method of calculating future trends as well, setting the pace of innovation, and defining the rules and the very nature of competition. And since the semiconductor portion of electronic consumer products keeps growing by leaps and bounds, the Law has aroused in users and consumers an expectation of a continuous stream of faster, better, and cheaper high-technology products. Even the policy implications of Moore's Law are significant: it is used as the baseline assumption in the industry's strategic road map for the next decade and a half.

Chris A. Mack. (2011). Fifty Years of Moore’s Law. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SEMICONDUCTOR MANUFACTURING. 24 (2), 202-204.


Pixels containing similar bacteria to that of a firefly which causes a reaction to create bio-luminescent properties, this occurs at night time when the reaction happens with the atmospherically pressure and temperature.


Bioluminescent organisms are widely distributed in nature and comprise a remarkably diverse set of species (20, 59, 60, 62, 81). Among the light-emitting species are bacteria, dinoflagellates, fungi, fish, insects, shrimp, and squid. This set of organisms includes terrestrial, freshwater, and marine species from almost 50% of the different phyla in the animal and plant kingdoms (59). The enzymes that catalyze the bioluminescence reactions in these organisms are called luciferases, and in most cases the substrates are designated as luciferins (34). However, consistent with the apparent absence of a strong evolutionary relationship between many of the light-emitting systems, significant differences exist between the bioluminescence reactions as well as the structures of the luciferases (enzymes) and luciferins (substrates) from different organisms. Aside from light emission, only the requirement for 02 for the bioluminescence reactions has been clearly recognized as a common feature of the luminescence


EDWARD A. MEIGHEN. (1991). Molecular Biology of Bacterial Bioluminescence. American Society for Microbiology. 55 (1), 123-142.

This is the five pivotal points between now and 2040 when technology changes substantially to reenforce our concept. The Bottom is research and abstracts backing up most of the pivotal points.

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