Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Sunday, June 19, 2011


I have reformatted the whole presentation from images through to the layout, Just waiting on Gina to finish her notes on what she will be saying in the presentation.

Saturday, June 18, 2011


Me and Gina have been working on the presentation all morning, six long hours changing, editing and adding to the presentation to tie in with what Gina will be saying. Also I will be operating the computer during the presentation and will be working with Gina to identify the final words that Gina will be saying at the end of each slide so I can change the slide and make a fluid/seamless presentation

Friday, June 17, 2011


Currently working on the timeline of iterations with Gina, Just waiting to see is we will put more information on etc.

An image of one of the final iterations, the pixel contained in a bubble which would pop when the pixel would reach the desired building. The bubble would act as a glue adhering to the building.


Currently working on the presentation on Prezi creating a some what of an interactive presentation, a little fun and different from the usual PDF.

Thursday, June 16, 2011


Electromagnetism/Electric Potential

Pedestrians possess a positive charged electric field which when they walk through the train station doors gather positively charged pixels. The pixels are attracted to the pedestrians due to their positive charge thus the force and acceleration is in the direction of the field (pedestrians). The buildings possess a negative charge repelling the pixels except for the train station thus attracting the pixels back once they are not wanted. When the pixels reach the end of their life they lose their positive charge and become negatively charged attaching to buildings.


Objects may possess a property known as an electric charge. An electric field exerts a force on charged objects, accelerating them in the direction of the force, in either the same or the opposite direction of the electric field. If the charged object has a positive charge, the force and acceleration will be in the direction of the field. This force has the same direction as the electric field vector, and its magnitude is given by the size of the charge multiplied with the magnitude of the electric field. Classical mechanics explores the concepts such as force, energy, potential etc. in more detail.

Electromagnetism, Second Edition, by I. S. Grant, W. R. Phillips, pp. 542. ISBN 0-471-92712-0. Wiley-VCH, September 2003.